When I first read this sonnet, I tried to picture the speaker going through a bad break up with the one he once loved because the word “renounce” was used in the title. However, when I reread it a couple times after I saw how “love” was used as a personify something else. These are the some of the notes I did from my first reading.
Lines 1-2: Show how done he is with the girl he used to love, he is no longer tangled in her grasp
Line 5-6: Show how much hate and repulse this girl has for the man and his feelings. She scorns him with hate and repulse this girl has for the man and his feelings. She scorns him with hateful looks and does not want anything to do with him
Lines 7-9: Shows the man moving on and telling her to go and capture the hearts of younger men.
Lines 10-11: Show that he does not have anymore feelings for her and she has no hold on his heart. He’s saying in Line 11 for her to go and charms elsewhere because they won’t work
The last lines (12-14) show how bitter he is on the girl rejecting him. He is saying how he wasted time pining after her and she gives him nothing. He no longer has to deal with trying to gain her attention “Me list no longer longer boughs to clime”.